Groundbreaking ideas and research for engaged leaders
Rotman Insights Hub | University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management Groundbreaking ideas and research for engaged leaders
Rotman Insights Hub | University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management

A non-exhaustive reading list to improve your DEI initiatives

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Ray Tsai Fang, Sarah Kaplan, Sonia Kang andrás Tilcsik, Joyce He, Nicola Lacetera, Nouman Asraf, Carmina Ravanera, Anjum Sultana, Joan C. Williams, Tina Opie, Tanjim Hossain, Anita McGahan,

When it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion, the business world still has a ways to go. Even companies well established in their diversity, equity and inclusion journeys can find ways to improve upon their efforts.

For leaders interested in improving their understanding of the work that still needs to be done and challenges marginalized groups continue to face, we’ve compiled a non-exhausted reading (and listening) list to get you started.

How to approach D&I more strategically
As the world becomes more divisive, can organizations opt out of the political discourse while still advancing their diversity and inclusion goals? Probably not. But here’s a framework for how to approach the issue at a company level. 

The impact of social class on wage inequality
Research shows that your socio-economic background may influence your career choice and could result in a life-long wage gap. To address this inequality, companies need to re-think how jobs are valued.

Tackling inequality: the role of business
Economic equality, one of the pressing issues of our time, polarizes populations, concentrates power and threatens social stability and democracy. Here's how business — a big part of the problem — can become part of the solution.

How to make diversity and inclusion part of the new normal
Well-intentioned, anti-bias programs rarely deliver. There are three symptoms or sources of this organizational bias, as this interview explains.

How to broaden your talent pool
How frequently do you think about the candidates who aren't applying for a job? Research suggests great – and diverse – talent may not be coming to the table; but there's a way to get them to opt in.

How to create a remote work policy that works everyone
What role should the office play, and can companies create equitable and sustainable WFH policies that work for all employees? Yes, but organizations need to be purposeful in their approach.

Can we improve feminism at work? Perhaps if we turn to sisterhood
Dr. Tina Opie explores how we can challenge our own assumptions and biases and find stronger connections with our peers to create a more inclusive workplace.

Making the economy work for everyone: intersectionality and power
Confidence in the economy is shaped by the health of the population, and one pillar of that involves race, gender, class and other factors that intersect to impact marginalization and oppression. To address the issue, Canada needs a new measure of economic success.

The most important leadership competency
Effective leadership is not simply about leading people who are like-minded. It is about leading across differences. And to do that, difference must be embraced. Here’s how.

Too few women in leadership roles? Self-nomination may be to blame
Women continue to be under-represented at the highest levels of power. Instead of encouraging women to "lean in" to climb the corporate ladder, research suggests that the process of selecting talent should be redesigned.

Meritocracy: from myth to reality
Female-led startups find it harder to obtain funding than those led by men; women are often not hired or promoted at the rate of men; and even in the 21st century, women are not paid equally for the same work. Professor Sarah Kaplan has eight suggestions on how we can move towards a true meritocracy.

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