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Rotman Insights Hub | University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management

Location, location, innovation: Why where you work changes (almost) everything

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Ruben Gaetani

The pandemic upended many working practices. And as working from home took hold, many industry leaders bemoaned the loss ofcommunity and innovation among their decentralized staff. 

But as organizations and policy makers call for employees to return to their downtown offices, it's worth asking: what role does your office location play in innovation strategy anyways? 

Assistant professor Ruben Gaetani kicks off the third season of the Rotman Executive Summary podcast to talk about what the research tells us about innovation and office location. It turns out location matters a lot; but being downtown does not necessarily guarantee an effective innovation strategy. Give the episode above a listen. 

Subscribe to the podcast on SpotifyApple Podcast and Amazon now, and catch up on earlier episodes below.

Prefer to read than listen? Check out the transcript of this episode here

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Image source: Pravit/

Ruben Gaetani is an assistant professor of strategic managemy at the University of Toronto Mississauga, cross-appointed to the Rotman School of Management.