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Rotman Insights Hub | University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management Groundbreaking ideas and research for engaged leaders
Rotman Insights Hub | University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management

5 things driving consumer behaviour now

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Ryan McCracken

It's undeniable that COVID-19 has changed the way people shop. Accenture Interactive's managing director Ryan McCracken studies consumer behaviour and says until recently, quality and price were consistently the top purchase drivers for buyers. But consumers have spent the past 18 months reevaluating their own values and purposes, which has dramatically changed how they approach purchase decisions and brand loyalty, he says.

A recent global survey found that 72 per cent of consumers expect brands to understand and address the fact that their needs change during times of disruption, yet 40 per cent were disappointed that companies didn’t provide support or address those changes.

But if companies want to step up, they need to understand the new consumer first.

McCracken joined us at the end of January as part of our 4 Short Talks series, breaking down the five forces driving brand loyalty and consumption. 

Ryan McCracken is a managing director at Accenture Interactive in Canada and serves as an executive leadership team member of Bloom, Accenture Interactive's venturing and incubation group. He works with clients across industries to understand what is driving disruption in their business and invent, co-create and launch new ventures and products to drive sustainable business growth.