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Rotman Insights Hub | University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management

Now is the right time to bake quantum into your R&D strategy...yes really

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Francesco Bova

When it comes to new technological advances, all eyes are on AI. But assistant professor Francesco Bova thinks organizations need to be dedicating more focus onto a different type of computing tech. 

Quantum computing could unlock more than a trillion dollars in market potential for organizations, particularly for companies faced with "unsolvable," data-heavy problems. While the technology isn't quite commercially ready yet, it may just be a matter of time. Bova joined the Rotman Executive Summary podcast to explore why companies should start investing in quantum now, or risk losing out on huge gains down the line. 

Join us next month as we chat with assistant professor Cindy Chan about why you might consider ditching the Amazon wish list this holiday season in favour of experiential gifts. 

Subscribe to the podcast on SpotifyGoogle Podcast and Apple Podcast now. Prefer to read than listen? Check out the transcript of this episode here

Listening for the first time? Catch up on season one here

Francesco Bova is an associate professor of accounting at the Rotman School of Management.