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Rotman Insights Hub | University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management

Your guide to giving better gifts, according to research

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Cindy Chan

Gift giving can be anxiety inducing: Will they like the present? Is it something they'll use? Did I spend too little? Too much? 

Add in the layer that gifts play an important role in relationship building, and it's no wonder that some folks find holiday shopping so stressful. 

But there is a way to get better at giving presents, especially if you're looking to improve or create a strong relationship with the recipient. Assistant professor Cindy Chan joined the Rotman Executive Summary podcast to explain how. 

Join us next month as we chat with assistant professor Shreyas Sekar about the risks of phony reviews, and the role algorithms play in our purchase decisions online. 

Subscribe to the podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcast now. Prefer to read than listen? Check out the transcript of this episode here

Listening for the first time? Catch up on season one here

Cindy Chan is an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Toronto, with a cross appointment to the Rotman School of Management.