Groundbreaking ideas and research for engaged leaders
Rotman Insights Hub | University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management Groundbreaking ideas and research for engaged leaders
Rotman Insights Hub | University of Toronto - Rotman School of Management

Unlocking mental resilience: Embracing uncertainty for a more creative and compassionate future

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Jay G. Cone

In times of chaos, creativity and compassion are often the first causalities of our search for answers. We want to know what to do, yet we struggle to make sense of all the statistics, opinions, hype, and outrage competing for our attention. 

Coping with our increasingly complex and unpredictable lives takes a toll on our mental fitness. When we feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and rudderless, we make bad decisions. We settle for simplistic answers. We become susceptible to disinformation and the rantings of absolutists. We find ourselves avoiding people whose opinions we disagree with. 

The Surprising Power of Not Knowing What to Do by Jay Cone explores the counterintuitive idea that being at a loss for what to do is an opportunity, not a problem. It suggests ways to build mental stamina to deal with the most daunting challenges, to access fresh insights and options, and to gain renewed faith in the possibility of a more creative and compassionate future.

If you enjoyed this presentation, check out our other short talks, from our video series 4 Short Talks about a Healthier Society:

Mark Britnell on Addressing the Other Healthcare Crisis:

Mara Lederman on Leading the Way to Recovery:

Janet Krstevski on Unlocking Employee Potential:

Jay Gordon Cone is founder of Unstuck Minds. He has spent the past 30 years supporting leadership development and organizational change. His research and consulting practice focus on helping leaders respond and adapt to complexity and uncertainty. Before founding Unstuck Minds, Jay spent 20 years as a senior consultant for Interaction Associates. He also served for five years as adjunct faculty in the executive MBA program at The University of Texas at Dallas, where he taught Building Effective Teams.