·   “AI, Digital Service Trade and the Welfare Gains from Creative Destruction.” (With Ruiqi Sun.)

·   “Global Sourcing from Low-Wage Countries: Implications for R&D and Employment.” (With Wulong Gu and Alla Lileeva.)

·   “Local TV News Bias and Elections: Evidence from Sinclair Acquisitions.” (With Alexander Goodwin and Yosh Halberstam.)

·    Looking Backward, Innovating Forward: A Theory of Competitive Cascades.” (With Kevin Lim and Miaojie Yu.) NBER Working Paper #30455 (September 2022). Appendix




·     How Do Endowments Determine Trade? Quantifying the Output Mix, Factor Price and Skill-Biased Technology Channels.” Journal of International Economics, 127 (July, 2022).  (With Peter Morrow.)

·     AI, Trade and Creative Destruction: A First Look.” In Robots and AI: A New Economic Era (eds. Lili Yan Ing and Gene Grossman), New York: Routledge, 2022: 310–345. (With Ruiqi Sun.) (Featured on the NBER home page.) 

·     “Elhanan Helpman at Harvard.” In R.A. Cord (ed.) The Palgrave Companion to Cambridge Economics. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Forthcoming. 

·     What's the Big Idea? Multi-Function Products,  Firm Scope and Firm Boundaries.Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 180 (December, 2020):381–406.  (With Mengxiao Liu.) 

· The Rents from Trade and Coercive Institutions: Removing the Sugar Coating.Economic Journal, 130(630) (August, 2020): 1678–1714.  (With Christian Dippel and Avner Greif.) 

·  “Implications of Canada’s Restrictive FDI Policies on Employment and Productivity.” Journal of International Business Policy, 2(2) (June 2019):142–166. (With Walid Hejazi.)

· The China-OECD Trade Divide: Building Bridges.” China Economic Journal, 12 (2) (February, 2019):195–207. 

·  “How Artificial Intelligence Impacts International Trade.” In The World Trade Report 2018 edited by the World Trade Organization, 2019. (With Avi Goldfarb.) 

· A Sorted Tale of Globalization: White Collar Jobs and the Rise of Service Offshoring.” Journal of International Economics, 118 (May, 2019): 105–122. (With Runjuan Liu.)

·     AI and International Trade.” (With Avi Goldfarb.) In The Economics of AI, edited by Ajay Agrawal, Josh Gans and Avi Goldfarb, NBER and University of Chicago Press, 2019

·    “Estimating Productivity Using Chinese Data: Methods, Challenges and Results.” In World Trade Evolution: Growth, Productivity and Employment, edited by Lili Yang Ing and Miaojie Yu, Routledge, NY, 2019, pages 229–260. (With Scott Orr and Miaojie Yu.)

·    Modernizing NAFTA: A Canadian Perspective.” In A Positive NAFTA Renegotiation, edited by Fred Bergsten, pages 36–49, Petersen Institute for International Economics. (With Wendy Dobson and Julia Tory.)

·     Capabilities, Wealth and Trade.” (With John Sutton.) Journal of Political Economy, 124(3) (June, 2016): 826–878.

·     Domestic Institutions as a Source of Comparative Advantage.” In Handbook of International Trade, Volume 4, edited by Gita Gopinath, Elhanan Helpman, and Kenneth Rogoff. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2014, pages 263–315. (With Nathan Nunn.)

·     International Trade and Institutional Change: Medieval Venice's Response to Globalization.” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 129(2) (May 2014):753–821. (With Diego Puga.)

·     Incomplete Contracts and the Boundaries of the Multinational Firm.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 94, (October 2013):330–344. (With Nathan Nunn.)

·     Gains From Trade When Firms Matter.” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 26(2) (Spring 2012):91–118. (With Marc J. Melitz.)

·     The Structure of Factor Content Predictions.” Journal of International Economics, 82(3) (November 2010):195-207. (With Susan Zhu.)

·     The Structure of Tariffs and Long-Term Growth.” American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2(4) (October 2010): 158-194.  (With Nathan Nunn.) 

·     Improved Access to Foreign Markets Raises Plant-Level Productivity … for Some Plants.” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 125(3) (August 2010):1051-1099.  (With Alla Lileeva.) 

·     Wake Up and Smell the Ginseng: The Rise of Incremental Innovation in Low-Wage Countries.” Journal of Development Economics, 91(1) (January 2010): 64-76.  (With Diego Puga.) 

·     Canadian Policy Responses to Offshore Outsourcing.”  In Offshore Outsourcing: Capitalizing on Lessons Learned, edited by Daniel Trefler. Toronto:  Rotman School of Management and Industry Canada, 2010, pages 1.1-1.30. 

·     The New World Division of Labor.” In Offshore Outsourcing: Capitalizing on Lessons Learned, edited by Daniel Trefler. Toronto:  Rotman School of Management and Industry Canada, 2010, pages 2.1-2.25. (With Elhanan Helpman.)

·     Quality is Free:  A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Early Child Development Initiatives.” Paediatrics & Child Health, 14(10) (December 2009): 681-684. 

o  Winner of the Noni MacDonald Award. This annual award recognizes an author whose article in Paediatrics & Child Health has positively affected paediatrics, such as by raising awareness of an issue, presenting new scientific research, or instigating or potentially instigating change.

·     Innis Lecture: Canadian Policies for Broad-Based Prosperity.”  Canadian Journal of Economics, 41(4) (November 2008): 1156-1184.

·     The Boundaries of the Multinational Firm: An Empirical Analysis.” In The Organization of Firms in a Global Economy, edited by Elhanan Helpman, Dalia Marin, and Thierry Verdier. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008, pages 55-83. (With Nathan Nunn.)

·     Sorting it Out: International Trade and Protection with Heterogeneous Workers.”  Journal of Political Economy 115(5) (October 2007): 868-892.(With Franziska Ohnsorge.) 

·     Trade and Inequality in Developing Countries: A General Equilibrium Analysis.” Journal of International Economics 65 (January 2005): 21-48. (With Susan Chun Zhu.) Reprinted in:

o  The WTO and Poverty and Inequality, edited by L. Alan Winters, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2007. 

o  Winner of Elsevier’s Economics and Finance Journals Award for Most Cited Articles, 2005–2009. 

·     Service Offshoring: Threats and Opportunities.”  In Brookings Trade Forum 2005: Offshoring White-Collar Work, edited by Susan M. Collins and Lael Brainard. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2006, pages 35-60. 

·     The Long and Short of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement.” American Economic Review 94 (September 2004): 870-895.

·     Increasing Returns to Scale and All That: A View From Trade.”  American Economic Review 92 (March 2002): 93-119. (With Werner Antweiler)

·     The Case of the Missing Trade and Other Mysteries: Reply.”  American Economic Review 92 (March 2002): 405-410.

·     Beyond the Algebra of Explanation: HOV for the Age of Technology.” American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 90(2) (May 2000): 145-149. (With Susan Zhu.)

·     Macroeconomic Dynamics Interview: Professor Elhanan Helpman.”  Macroeconomic Dynamics, 3 (December 1999): 571-601.

·     Bargaining With Asymmetric Information in Non-Stationary Markets.”  Economic Theory, 13 (3, 1999): 577-601.

·     The Labour Market Consequences of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement.”  Canadian Journal of Economics 30 (February 1997): 18-41.  (With Noel Gaston.)

o  Winner of the Harry G. Johnson Prize for best paper of the year.

·     The Case of the Missing Trade and Other Mysteries.”  American Economic Review 85 (December 1995): 1029-1046. (Lead article.) Reprinted in:

o  Worth Series in Outstanding Contributions: International Economics edited by E. Leamer.  New York: Worth Publishers, 2001.

·     Union Wage Sensitivity to Trade and Protection: Theory and Evidence.”  Journal of International Economics 39 (August 1995): 1-25.  (Lead article, with Noel Gaston.) Reprinted in:

o  Globalization and Labor Markets, edited by E. Kwan Choi and David Greenway.  Oxford, England and Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 2001.

·     Protection, Trade, and Wages:  Evidence from U.S. Manufacturing.”  Industrial and Labour Relations Review 47 (July 1994): 574-593.  (With Noel Gaston.) Reprinted in:

o  The WTO and Poverty and Inequality, edited by L. Alan Winters, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2007.

·     The Role of International Trade and Trade Policy in the Labour Markets of Canada and the United States.”  World Economy (January 1994): 45-62. (With Noel Gaston.) 

·     International Factor Price Differences: Leontief was Right! Journal of Political Economy 101 (December 1993): 961-987. (Lead article.)  Reprinted in:

o  Input-Output Analysis, Volume 2, edited by H.D. Kurz, E. Dietzenbacher, and C. Lager. London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1998.  

o  Wassily Leontief : Critical Assessments of Contemporary Economists, edited by John Cunningham Wood and Michael McLure. New York : Routledge, 2001.

o  Inframarginal Economics, edited by Wai-Man Liu and Xiaokai Yang. World Scientific Publishing Co., forthcoming, Fall 2005.

·     The Ignorant Monopolist: Optimal Learning With Endogenous Information.”  International Economic Review 34 (August 1993): 565-581.

·     Trade Liberalization and the Theory of Endogenous Protection:  An Econometric Study of U.S. Import Policy.”  Journal of Political Economy 101 (February 1993): 138-160. 



·     Offshore Outsourcing: Capitalizing on Lessons Learned  edited by Daniel Trefler. Toronto:  Rotman School of Management and Industry Canada, 2010. 



·     Successful Economies, Failed Economics:  What the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement Teaches Us about International Economics.”  In The Macdonald Commission Report 20 Years On edited by David Laidler and Bill Robson. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute, 2005, pages 111-120.

·     A Time to Sow, A Time to Reap: The FTA and Its Impact on Productivity and Employment.” In Productivity Issues in Canada edited by Someshwar Rao and Andrew Sharpe. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2002. Pages 537-569. (With Gary Sawchuk.)

·     “‘Comments on Long-Term Productivity Issues’ by Rick Harris.”  In Fiscal Targets and Economic Growth edited by Thomas J. Courchene and Thomas A. Wilson.  Kingston: John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy, 1998, pages 91-93. 

·     Immigrants and Natives in General Equilibrium Trade Models.”  In The Immigration Debate: Studies on the Economic, Demographic, and Fiscal Effects of Immigration edited by James P. Smith and Barry Edmonston.  Washington D.C.: National Academy Press, 1998, pages 206-238.

·     “No Pain, No Gain:  Lessons from the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement.”  In Incomes and Productivity in North America.  Dallas: Bernan Press and the Commission for Labor Cooperation, 1997, pages 25-42.

·     “Canada and the Asia Pacific: Views from the Gravity, Monopolistic Competition, and Heckscher-Ohlin Models.”  In The Asia-Pacific Region in the Global Economic:  A Canadian Perspective  edited by Richard G Harris.  Calgary: University of Calgary, 1996, pages 47-83.  (With Walid Hejazi.) 

o  A summary appears in Canada and the Asian Pacific.” ACS Bulletin, Vol. 20 (Spring,1998): 11-14. Montreal: Association for Canadian Studies.

·     “Nontariff Barriers to Trade and Workers’ Wages.”  In Studies in Labour Economics, edited by Erkin Bairam.  London: Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 1993, pages 72-110. (With Noel Gaston.)




·     “The One Percent in History” Rotman Magazine, Fall 2013, pages 93-96.

·     “Loonacy of Parity: How a Strong Dollar Weakens Canada.” Globe & Mail October 16, 2010, F9 (op. ed. section). (This piece received hundreds of blogs.)

·     Monthly column for the Globe & Mail (Canada’s largest-circulation national newspaper) February-June, 2009, front section.

·     “A Time and Place for Free Trade.”  Harvard College Economic Review, volume II, issue 2, Spring 2008.

·     “Policy Responses to the New Offshoring:  Think Globally, Invest Locally.”  Industry Canada Working Paper Series 2006-01.

·     “Think Globally, Invest Locally: Responding to the Rise of Offshoring.”  Rotman Magazine, Fall 2005, pages 42-45.

·     Looking Backward: How Childhood Experiences Impact a Nation’s Wealth.” Manuscript, February, 2004.

·     “Treating Children Well Strengthens A Nation” in The Ottawa Citizen, September 4, 2004.

·     “Looking Back: How Childhood Experiences Impact a Nation’s Wealth” in Rotman Magazine, Spring/Summer 2004. 

·     “Competitiveness: A Special Series” in The National Post, Financial Post Section. Series editor. This is a 12-part weekly series on Canadian competitiveness. My series introduction, “Defrocking the Priests of Productivity” appeared on May 13, 2002, page FP11.

·     Does Canada Need a Productivity Budget?Policy Options, 20 (July-August 1999): 66-71.

·     Quality vs. Quantity.” The Globe & Mail Report on Business Magazine, July 1999, pages 57-58.

·     My Brains and Your Looks: A Productivity Agenda with Heart.”  CIAR Working Paper.

·     “Review of ‘Technology and the Wealth of Nations,’ edited by Nathan Rosenberg, Ralph Landau, and David C. Mowery.”  Review of International Economics 3 (February 1995): 124-126.



·   Endowments, Skill-Biased Technology, and Factor Prices: A Unified Approach to Trade.” (With Peter Morrow.) NBER Working Paper. 

·    Much Ado About Nothing: American Workers and Service Offshore Outsourcing to China and India.” (With Runjuan Liu.) NBER Working Paper.

·    The Gains From Trade with Monopolistic Competition: Specification, Estimation, and Mis-Specification.” (With Huiwen Lai.) NBER Working Paper.

·   Knowledge Creation and Control in Organizations.” (With Diego Puga). NBER Working Paper.

·   “Demand Shocks and Equilibrium Output Fluctuations in a Market with Bargaining.”  R&R, Canadian Journal of Economics

·   “Life Cycle Saving and Population Aging.”  University of Toronto Working Paper Series.  (With David Foot.) R&R, Economic Journal