In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
import random
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm

n = norm.pdf
N = norm.cdf

def update_epsilon(e,min_e,decay):
    if e >= min_e:
        e *= decay
    return e
In [2]:
# Define number of paths being generated for training and testing 

# Number of trading period
M = 10

# Number of possible positions in heading 
# Action

# MARKET_IMPACT (X% per share)

# Define variables for reinforcement learning training
# min epsilon
MIN_e = 0.05
# intial epsilon:
e = 1
# decay
DECAY = 0.99999999
# parameters for Q table update
C1 = 1
C2 = 0.1
ALPHA = 0.01
#Number of States
In [5]:
# Uniformly sample bid-ask spread from 0.5% to 1.5% in 10 incremtnal 
bid_ask_table = (np.random.randint(-5,6,[TRAINING_SAMPLE,M]) * 10 + 100)/100

print("\n Bid-Ask spread training samples have been generated")

# Convert bid-ask spread state into 0 to 10. With 0 equal to bid-ask spread = 0.5% and 10 equal to bid-ask spread = 1.5% 
bid_ask_state_table = (bid_ask_table*100 - 100)/10 + 5
bid_ask_state_table = bid_ask_state_table.astype(int)

# Initiate Q Table with Q-value = 0 for all state-action pairs

print("\n Training is in progress:")

# Initiate Q Table

# Training 
for i in tqdm(range(len(bid_ask_table))):

    bid_ask = bid_ask_table[i]
    bid_ask_state = bid_ask_state_table[i]
    position = 10
    position_list = np.empty(0, dtype=int)
    reward_list = np.empty(0, dtype=int)
    action_list = np.empty(0, dtype=int)
    total_reward = np.empty(0, dtype=int)
    for t in range(M-1):
        if np.random.rand() <= e:
            action = random.randrange(0,N_ACTION) 
            if t == 0: 
                lookup_position = 10
                lookup_position = position_list[t-1]
                action = np.where(q[t][bid_ask_state[t]][lookup_position]==np.min(q[t][bid_ask_state[t]][lookup_position][np.nonzero(q[t][bid_ask_state[t]][lookup_position])]))[0][0]
                action = random.randrange(0,N_ACTION)

        if (position - action < 0) | (t == M-1):
            action = position
            new_position = 0
            new_position = position - action

        reward = (bid_ask[t] + MARKET_IMPACT*action) * action

        position_list= np.append(position_list,new_position)
        action_list = np.append(action_list,action)
        position = new_position
        reward_list = np.append(reward_list,reward)
    position_list = np.append(position_list,0)
    action_list = np.append(action_list,0)
    total_reward  = np.append(total_reward,sum(reward_list))

    #update Q table    
    for t in range(M-1):
        if t == 0: 
            lookup_position = 10
            lookup_position = position_list[t-1]
        qnew = reward_list[t] + q[t+1][bid_ask_state[t+1]][position_list[t]][action_list[t+1]]
        q[t][bid_ask_state[t]][lookup_position][action_list[t]] = q[t][bid_ask_state[t]][lookup_position][action_list[t]] + ALPHA * (qnew - q[t][bid_ask_state[t]][lookup_position][action_list[t]]) 
    if e > MIN_e:
        e = e * DECAY
 Bid-Ask spread training samples have been generated

 Training is in progress:

In [13]:
# Testing 
# Generate test data
bid_ask_table_test = (np.random.randint(-5,6,[TESTING_SAMPLE,M]) * 10 + 100)/100

print("\n Bid-Ask spread test samples have been generated")

print("\n Test Result is in progress:")

total_rl_reward = np.empty(0, dtype=int)
bid_ask_state_table_test = (bid_ask_table_test * 100 - 100)/10 + 5
bid_ask_state_table_test = bid_ask_state_table_test.astype(int)
for i in tqdm(range(len(bid_ask_table_test))):

    bid_ask = bid_ask_table_test[i]
    bid_ask_state = bid_ask_state_table_test[i]
    position = 10
    position_list = np.empty(0, dtype=int)
    reward_list = np.empty(0, dtype=int)
    action_list = np.empty(0, dtype=int)

    for t in range(M-1):
        if t == 0: 
            lookup_position = 10
            lookup_position = position_list[t-1]
            action = np.where(q[t][bid_ask_state[t]][lookup_position]==np.min(q[t][bid_ask_state[t]][lookup_position][np.nonzero(q[t][bid_ask_state[t]][lookup_position])]))[0][0]
            action = random.randrange(0,N_ACTION)
        if (position - action < 0) | (t == M-1):
            action = position
            new_position = 0
            new_position = position - action

        reward = (bid_ask[t] + MARKET_IMPACT*action) * action
        position_list= np.append(position_list,new_position)
        action_list = np.append(action_list,action)
        position = new_position
        reward_list = np.append(reward_list,reward)
    position_list = np.append(position_list,0)
    action_list = np.append(action_list,0)

    total_rl_reward = np.append(total_rl_reward,sum(reward_list))

print('RL: Average bid-ask spread paid(%):', np.average(total_rl_reward)/10)
print('RL: Standard Deviation of bid-ask spread paid(%):', np.std(total_rl_reward)/10)

print('Linear Execution: Average bid-ask spread paid(%):', np.average(np.sum(bid_ask_table_test+MARKET_IMPACT,axis = 1))/10)
print('Linear Execution: Standard Deviation of bid-ask spread paid(%):', np.std(np.sum(bid_ask_table_test+MARKET_IMPACT,axis = 1))/10)
 Bid-Ask spread test samples have been generated

 Test Result is in progress:
RL: Average bid-ask spread paid(%): 0.9342158999999999
RL: Standard Deviation of bid-ask spread paid(%): 0.16363030491687655
Linear Execution: Average bid-ask spread paid(%): 1.0499825
Linear Execution: Standard Deviation of bid-ask spread paid(%): 0.10028510703863261

Recommended Action at 10 period Left

In [8]:
table_index = ['Bid-Ask Spread = ' + str((10 * i + 50)/100) + "%" for i in range(11)]
table_columns = ['Holding = 10']
decision_table_t0 = pd.DataFrame(index = table_index, columns = table_columns)

t = 0
for i in range(11): 
    decision_table_t0.iloc[i,0] = np.where(q[t][i][10]==np.min(q[t][i][10][np.nonzero(q[t][i][10])]))[0][0]
Holding = 10
Bid-Ask Spread = 0.5% 7
Bid-Ask Spread = 0.6% 7
Bid-Ask Spread = 0.7% 6
Bid-Ask Spread = 0.8% 5
Bid-Ask Spread = 0.9% 4
Bid-Ask Spread = 1.0% 4
Bid-Ask Spread = 1.1% 3
Bid-Ask Spread = 1.2% 1
Bid-Ask Spread = 1.3% 1
Bid-Ask Spread = 1.4% 0
Bid-Ask Spread = 1.5% 0

Recommended Action at 9 period Left

In [9]:
t = 1
table_index = ['Bid-Ask Spread = ' + str((10 * i + 50)/100) + "%" for i in range(11)]
table_columns = ['Holding = ' + str(i+1) for i in range(10)]
decision_table = pd.DataFrame(index = table_index, columns = table_columns)
for p in range(10):
    for i in range(11): 
        decision_table.iloc[i,p] = np.where(q[t][i][p+1]==np.min(q[t][i][p+1][np.nonzero(q[t][i][p+1])]))[0][0]

Holding = 1 Holding = 2 Holding = 3 Holding = 4 Holding = 5 Holding = 6 Holding = 7 Holding = 8 Holding = 9 Holding = 10
Bid-Ask Spread = 0.5% 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 6
Bid-Ask Spread = 0.6% 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 7
Bid-Ask Spread = 0.7% 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 6
Bid-Ask Spread = 0.8% 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5
Bid-Ask Spread = 0.9% 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5
Bid-Ask Spread = 1.0% 0 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 4 0
Bid-Ask Spread = 1.1% 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 0
Bid-Ask Spread = 1.2% 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0
Bid-Ask Spread = 1.3% 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
Bid-Ask Spread = 1.4% 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Bid-Ask Spread = 1.5% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
In [ ]: